Saturday, April 30, 2016

Day 90 - Cognitive Load

What's cognitive load?  It's the amount of mental processing power needed to use your product, app, or service.
  • Minimize cognitive load by keeping it simple.
  • Minimize cognitive load by removing non-essential content and elements
  • Minimize cognitive load by breaking the experience into smaller, easily-understandable segments controlled by the pace of the user.

Day 89 - Participant Observation

  1. What do people do now?
  2. What values and goals do people have?
  3. How are these particular activities embedded in a larger ecology?
  4. What are the similarities and differences across people?
  5. Pay attention to all the artifacts.
  6. Look for work arounds and hacks.
  7. Errors are a goldmine.
  8. If you ask people what they want (lead in questions) as opposed to observing what they do, you can be easily led astray.
  9. Find out what people's goals are.
    1. Try and do.
    2. Ask and listen.
    3. Watch and observe.