Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Day 21 - Mobile Device Fragmentation

There's dozens and dozens of smartphone and tablet manufacturers which means device diversity with large numbers of different screen sizes, densities, and resolutions.  We need to develop a basic understanding and be aware of this when designing for mobile.  Designing for the wide variety of sizes and densities can be challenging.

When designing for mobile:
  1. UI needs to be able to adapt to those different devices.
  2. Know the difference between responsive design, mobile web, native apps, hybrid apps.
  3. Don't think that a smartphone screen is a small desktop screen. They are different experiences.
  4. Understand the basic leading target platforms Apple's iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.
  5. Understand why you are choosing one platform over another.
  6. Understand the context of how your mobile app will be used by your target user.
  7. Plan early so as to minimize the amount of time and effort required for your platform/s.
  8. Have a basic understanding of the phone's built-in hardware capabilities that can enhance the experience.
  9. Pay attention to device density and documentation.
Take a look at ScreenSiz.es
It's a screen size chart of common mobile devices sortable by device name, operating system, screen size, resolution, pixels per inch, density, and popularity.

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