Thursday, July 10, 2014

Day 29 - Mobile Basics: Accelerometer

Built into the circuitry of your mobile phone or tablet, the accelerometer is a miniature device that knows up from down and is commonly used to change your screen from portrait mode to landscape view when you turn it.

By reading data from the physical world into your app, the accelerometer reads in that sensor data and does something relative to gravity or acceleration.

Besides portrait and landscape orientation, the accelerometer can be applied to other uses such as:
  1. Controlling sound when you tilt the phone.
  2. Creating a jump rope sensor fitness app via the accelerometer sensor.
  3. Calculate the steps you take whether walking, running, or jogging.
  4. Detecting when to snap a photo via shaky hands by sensing when you're holding steady.
  5. Shaking your phone to lock it.
There's endless ways to incorporate the accelerometer into the user experience.

What are some creative ways you can use to apply the accelerometer to your designs?

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