Sunday, July 13, 2014

Day 31 - 6 Lean UX Tips

Lean UX is a set of flexible activities that teams use to attempt to rapidly create user experiences. Lean UX is based in agile and lean startup methodologies where the team (stakeholders, product, design, development, etc) swiftly creates prototypes, tests, and iterates while balancing business needs and customer needs. The key is to externalize and share broadly.

A teams's lean ux process may look like this:
Strategy session -> Business needs -> Audience needs -> Ideation -> Sketching -> Prototyping -> Testing

Or put another way:
  • Think
  • Make
  • Check
  1. Understand the business/customer needs and have the problem you're solving for articulated. Get stakeholders aligned and get business goals prioritized.
  2. Have stakeholders work on the big picture concept. The designers should work on the details.
  3. Make customer personas rapidly getting people to show them to each other and present them.
  4. Scenarios - what are these customers thinking about in the moment they are engaging. What motivates the persona? People can work as teams on this.
  5. Ideation and Sketching. Get people to individually, rapidly create/sketch volume in this step and quickly iterate on the designs. Present them and show them to everyone, critique and iterate.
  6. Prototype and Test continuously. Prototyping is a strategy for efficiently dealing with things that are hard to predict.
What Lean UX tips do you have? Share your Lean UX tips in the comments section.

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