Thursday, August 7, 2014

Day 42 - Write a UX Thesis Statement for Your Product Design

A thesis or problem statement is a formal declaration put forward as a premise to be proved.  It represents the values and promise your product will solve in a short sentence or two.
  1. Write down the problem or current state not worrying too much about the quality at this point.
  2. Focus on the desired and future state.
  3. Define how your customer's life is better because your product exists.
  4. Consider what your design does for your customers AND your stakeholders.
  5. Edit, Edit, Edit. Rewrite, Rewrite, Rewrite.
  6. A thesis statement must be a declarative statement.
Take a look at the Product Hunt page.  These aren't thesis statements per se but great examples of articulating value propositions in just a few words for each product. The tag lines for these products are short and to the point.

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